As is often noted time is a precious commodity this time of year, at least it is for me. And though I've a bit more time for my own garden projects the 'to do' list has expanded exponentially it sometimes seems. In any event I'm already at the 'let's try setting one's head straight' portion of the season and am opting to work hard and enjoy even more. That's the goal anyway. Remaining conscious and actually looking around is my major ambition.
That said much of what is happening here this season will be allowing stuff to go to seed for seed. The charge of seeing a biennial do it's thing is worth the wait. I'm following Mike's,(Subsistence Pattern), general idea of trying to stay a couple of years ahead seed-wise, (and wood-wise as well)..I'll be at it a couple more years but hey, baby steps.
Meanwhile, back in reality, there is a heap o' weedin' to do!
Beautiful! Is that red spinach, chard or a beet you have there?
I do know so well what you mean, Randi. I figured I could obsess and spend all of my time weeding and often I do. This, however, does not get my intentional seeds into the ground any faster than normal.
Beware, however, about seed-saving. You're falling down another space-and-time-consuming hole. If you need a rope, I will throw you one...just ask for the seeds.
Speaking of seed, we were just talking about you yesterday as Micki was dividing and planting out some of your black poppies.:) I can't wait to see them flower. Good luck with your to do list, it sounds like a big one.
El..I went to check the tag and it's faded so badly I can only say it's either Tyree, Mediana or sheesh-I-don't-know spinach..I will investigate further.
Very interesting spinach - I did a quick google on Mediana and got an aka of red rooted spinach, so that's probably it. Fascinating - when did you plant it and how was the leaf production?
Very interesting spinach - I did a quick google on Mediana and got an aka of red rooted spinach, so that's probably it. Fascinating - when did you plant it and how was the leaf production?
We had a frost warning two nights ago, but fortunately only got down to 38...
hey goodidea! yes, i think they are mediana, (trying to remember where I got the seed) answer your question; no, not much in the way of leaf production but I'm pretty sure I'm responsible for that by planting them in fairly infertile soil..however it has prompted some serious seed production so next time I'll have more seed to play with, (ideally)..we'll see.
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