Sunday, April 15, 2007

theme continued

the photo says it all

OK, I'm getting concerned now. It's April 15th and it's still snowing. The expected nor'easter is about to hit the coast with promised flooding, high winds and power outages and here in the mountains we can additionally expect upwards to a couple feet of snow, charming. It's not that I haven't had a lifelong love of snow, I have, I really have... but since I grow and sell plants for a living it's become a bit problematic. The weeks of gloom and sunlessness make for rather unhappy seedlings threatening to damp off and end it all. "Damp Off", that'll be my new substitute for "Fuck Off".

Thursday, April 5, 2007

no kidding, still snowing! - Create custom images
not that this beachy thing has anything to do with snow I'm just a sucker for gimmicky doo dads like this..